Vue2 配置 tailwindcssopen in new window


  • When building for production, you should always use Tailwind’s purge option to tree-shake unused styles and optimize your final build size
  • preflight: A set of base styles for Tailwind projects.
module.exports = {
    purge: [
    corePlugins: {
        // 禁用基础样式,否则集成到element-ui中会有干扰
        preflight: false,


@tailwind base: Base (or global) styles are the styles at the beginning of a stylesheet that set useful defaults for basic HTML elements like <a> tags, headings, etc. or apply opinionated resets like the popular box-sizing reset. Tailwind includes a useful set of base styles out of the box that we call Preflight, which is really just modern-normalize plus a thin layer of additional more opinionated styles.

  • By using the @layer directive, Tailwind will automatically move those styles to the same place as @tailwind base to avoid unintended specificity issues.
  • Using the @layer directive will also instruct Tailwind to consider those styles for purging when purging the ** base layer**.
@layer base {
    h1 {
        @apply text-2xl;

    h2 {
        @apply text-xl;

Extracting component classes with @apply:

To avoid unintended specificity issues, we recommend wrapping your custom component styles with the @layer components directive to tell Tailwind what layer those styles belong to

<button class="btn-blue">
    Click me

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer components {
    .btn-blue {
        @apply py-2 px-4 bg-blue-500 text-white font-semibold rounded-lg shadow-md hover:bg-blue-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-400 focus:ring-opacity-75;

Adding New Utilities:

Although Tailwind provides a pretty comprehensive set of utility classes out of the box, you may run into situations where you need to add a few of your own.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
/*自定义css class 类名*/
@layer utilities {
    .scroll-snap-none {
        scroll-snap-type: none;

    .scroll-snap-x {
        scroll-snap-type: x;

    .scroll-snap-y {
        scroll-snap-type: y;

Functions & Directivesopen in new window

A reference for the custom functions and directives Tailwind exposes to your CSS.

  • Use the @tailwind directive to insert Tailwind’s base, components, utilities and screens styles into your CSS.
  • Use @apply to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS.
  • Any rules inlined with @apply will have !important removed by default to avoid specificity issues
  • You can also mix @apply declarations with normal CSS declarations
 * This injects Tailwind's base styles and any base styles registered by
 * plugins.
@tailwind base;

 * This injects Tailwind's component classes and any component classes
 * registered by plugins.
@tailwind components;

 * This injects Tailwind's utility classes and any utility classes registered
 * by plugins.
@tailwind utilities;

 * Use this directive to control where Tailwind injects the responsive
 * variations of each utility.
 * If omitted, Tailwind will append these classes to the very end of
 * your stylesheet by default.
@tailwind screens;
  • If you’d like to @apply an existing class and make it !important, simply add !important to the end of the declaration
.btn {
    @apply font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded !important;

if you’re using Sass/SCSS, you’ll need to use Sass’ interpolation feature to get this to work

.btn {
  @apply font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded #{!important};
  • Use the @layer directive to tell Tailwind which “bucket” a set of custom styles belong to. Valid layers are a base , components, and utilities.

  • @variants:You can generate responsive, hover, focus, active, and other variants of your own utilities by wrapping their definitions in the @variants directive.

  • theme(): Use the theme() function to access your Tailwind config values using dot notation.

.content-area {
    height: calc(100vh - theme('spacing.12'));


    <div class="cus-btn">tailwind.css</div>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
    @layer components {
        .cus-btn {
            @apply rounded  w-40  text-center text-lg p-2 mb-2 text-white cursor-pointer transform duration-200 hover:scale-105;
            background-color: theme('colors.myOrange');

Resource for learn

Last Updated:
Contributors: zonglinlee